TNGlobal Insider,Opinion,Web3,Gaming
Play and Own will overtake Play to Earn in 2023
The answer is prioritizing fun, entertaining gameplay. It’s that simple, although it’s easier said than done. Landmark games like Axie Infinity have forged ahead as early innovators for the next era of gaming. But now the real work starts on how to build Web3 gaming into an industry with staying power.
October 26, 2022
TNGlobal Insider,Opinion,Gaming,Web3
Draw-to-earn rising in popularity, but smart contract loopholes remain
Increasingly adopted in the NFT sphere, developers can revert to smart contracts behind the system currently in play, using it as a basis for fixes to vulnerabilities.
August 8, 2022
‘Coffee Talk’ director on how to market PC games
In the context of effective marketing, game creator Mohammad Fahmi believes that all indie studios should pre-launch their games properly.
August 13, 2021
How the cloud serves as a backbone for the thriving gaming industry [TechNode Global and Alibaba Cloud Webinar Recap]
In this webinar, the panelists discussed the following topics: Introduction To Cloud Gaming, Access vs. Ownership, Event vs. Narrative, Performance and User Experience, Limitations and Challenges, eSports and the Pandemic, and Business and Venture Opportunities.
March 12, 2021