Singapore Fintech Festival

Singapore FinTech Festival 2023 attracts record 66,000 participants

The Festival extended its global reach this year, with participants hailing from 150 countries and regions, an increase from the 115 countries represented in 2022, and attracted a line-up of over 970 speakers.

Innovating for FinTech inclusion: Ant International’s plans for the next billion users

At the #SingaporeFinTechFestival 2023, we learn how innovations are rewriting the narrative of financial empowerment, enabling a future where everyone, regardless of their geographical or socio-economic background, will have access to essential financial tools and services.

What’s to come for Web3?: How to adapt and thrive in the Next Phase of the internet

While there is a lot of unknown surrounding Web3, there is no denying that this is a powerful paradigm shift that will change the economy in profound ways. But like the cycle of life, initial innovations trigger a surge of adaptation.