Penjana Kapital and Proficeo’s Soonicorn Collective selects 18 pioneer members in Malaysia
Proficeo Consultants Sdn Bhd (Proficeo) in partnership with Penjana Kapital Sdn Bhd (Penjana), has on Monday announced the selection of the pioneer group of 18 Founders for the Soonicorn Collective.
March 18, 2024
100 Soonicorns selects 24 Founders for its first 2 cohort
ScaleUp Accelerator Sdn Bhd (ScaleUp Malaysia) and Proficeo Consultants Sdn Bhd (Proficeo) in partnership with Penjana Kapital Sdn Bhd (Penjana Kapital) and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), have announced the selection of the first 2 cohorts of 24 Founders for the 100Soonicorns program designed to groom the next unicorns of Malaysia.
February 23, 2023