Indika Energy
SEA,Indonesia,TNGlobal Q&A and Interviews,Electric Vehicles & Mobility
Alpha JWC expects E2W vehicles to be widely adopted in Indonesia soon; open for future opportunities in EV sector
E2W is highly potential, especially in Indonesia with its large market and increasing demand for motorbikes. The trends projected that E2W will be adopted widely soon, and with our superior proposition, we can provide the best-in-class options to cater to this,” Alpha JWC Ventures Co-Founder and General Partner Chandra Tjan told TechNode Global.
June 9, 2022
News,Indonesia,Electric Vehicles & Mobility
Indika Energy, Alpha JWC Ventures and Horizons Ventures team up for EV venture
Indika Energy, Alpha JWC Ventures and Horizons Ventures announced Friday their latest collaboration in the form of joint investment in Ilectra Motor Group (IMG), a company that specializes in electric two-wheel (E2W) vehicles.
May 27, 2022