Asia’s education policymakers to gather for EDUtech Asia Policy Summit to discuss transforming education across Asia
What needs to happen to ensure inclusive, equitable and accessible education across Asia?
SINGAPORE, Nov. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — EDUtech Asia’s 2023 Policy Summit is set to take place on the 9th of November at Sands Expo Singapore. The event will feature the region’s leading policymakers, each with an ambitious part to play in making digital education inclusive and accessible across Southeast Asia and beyond.
Headlining the summit are Dr Anindito Aditomo, Head of Indonesia’s Agency for Standardization, Curriculum and Assessment in Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Indonesia and Dr. Niti Nachit, Advisor for Vocational Education Standards (Business & Hospitality), Office of Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand who will be addressing insights from Indonesia’s Merdeka Belajar reform and Thailand’s Vocational Education for All program respectively.
Following that, Dr Anindito Aditomo will join YBhg. Dato’ Prof. Dr. Norzaini binti Azman, Deputy Director General of Higher Education, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Datuk Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim, Director, SEAMEO Office, Thailand, Stuart King, Executive Director & General Manager, Education Solutions & Devices, Lenovo Global, Singapore, Phoukhaoka Sacklokham Director, ICT Center for Education and Sports, Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR and Jeffrey Jian Xu, Senior Education Specialist, ADB Human and Social Development Sector Office, Sectors Group, Philippines to explore the role of government policy in supporting tech innovation in educational institutions.
Shifting to focus higher education, leaders from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, Malaysia, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka, Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippines and National Lifelong Education, Korea, The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, MOET, Vietnam, SkillsFuture Singapore, Institute of Vocational Education Bangkok Council Office, Vocational Education Commission, Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education will explore innovative pedagogical approaches and designing policy frameworks to foster digital skills for every learner.
Moving on to the hottest topic of the moment – Artificial Intelligence, leaders from Microsoft, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, The Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam, Intel, Singapore, Department of Education (DepEd), Philippines and RISE Indonesia Research Team, Indonesia will discuss finding a balance between tightening regulations and fostering opportunities in education.
Completing the summit with Education Evolution: Dr Chin Samath, Deputy Director of Policy Department, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia, Dr Kritsachai Somsaman, Centre Director, Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization, Regional Centre for STEM Education, Thailand, Dato’ Dr Mehander Singh Nahar Singh, Member- National Education Advisory Council, Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Prof Liu Woon Chia, Dean of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education, Singapore and Edmund Lim Wk, Vice President- Strategic Partnerships, ClassIn will discuss nurturing quality teachers to transform education in Asia.
This by invitation-only summit will take place alongside the main EDUtech Asia 2023 conference and expo. For more information, please visit:
About EDUtech Asia 2023
Taking place on 8 and 9 November in Singapore, the 8th Annual EDUtech Asia 2023 brings together thousands of education leaders across the region to share their successes, strategies, and plans for the future of education, which continues to be shaped by the ongoing acceleration of digitalisation. Speakers will address the whole ecosystem, from leadership in pedagogy, hybrid delivery, IT infrastructure, digital strategy, and more.
At its core EDUtech Asia is dedicated to education leaders, EdTech enthusiasts and solution providers from across the region. Here, they can share their successes, strategies and plans for the future of education, which continues to be shaped by the acceleration of digitalisation. The event’s agenda is structured so that every element of EdTech’s ecosystem, will be touched on. From AI in education and the role of immersive technologies to professional development and skills and lifelong learning, there will not be an EdTech stone left unturned.
Alongside the premium conference, the free-to-attend exhibition will feature 100 show & tell presentations by educators, a start-up village and 200 EdTech solutions from leading players including Lenovo, Microsoft, Intel, Classin, Google, GSA Education and more, will be on-floor to showcase how they are transforming education in Asia.
This much-anticipated event will welcome over 8,000 educators, 400 speakers and 200 EdTech providers to a hub of thought and innovation, sparking new ideas for the future of education.
EDUtech Asia 2023 will take place at B2 Halls D, E, F, Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore on the 8-9 November 2023.
For more information on EDUtech Asia 2023, please visit:
To register for the premium conference:
To register for your free visitor pass:
EDUtech Asia:
Date: 8-9 November 2023
Conference opening hours: 08:50 – 18:00
Exhibition opening hours: 09:30 – 18:00
Venue: Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore
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