In the concern of technological advancement, IoT or the Internet of Things has given and received a major boost. This refers to the many digital devices that are currently moving their way up in the world. Today, we’re going to talk about IoT smart city in detail.

IoT has a strong association with web development and other advancements. And many programmers use the IoT framework to create an IoT smart city.

Role of IoT in smart cities

Big regions can use IoT technology to improve various parts of their infrastructure and communal area.

To specify, such devices allow regional heads to control and monitor things easily, using the internet to communicate. Such technologies are useful around the world and are specific to sensors and similar devices.

Indeed, with how widespread the uses are, and the unlimited region it can encompass, using the Internet of Things for smart cities is valid. With its help, one can ensure the citizens are safe and enjoying a good infrastructure. Plus, there is less pollution and traffic in cities.

What is a smart city?

An IoT smart city utilizes different forms of IoT devices to collect and analyze data. Some of the things that such devices derive the data from are meters, lights, and any connected sensors.

These technological cities undergo massive advancement in terms of public utilities, infrastructure, and other such services. Any iot app development company can help you in this regard.

People in charge of handling the operations of the city use the data they gather to access user needs and problem areas.

With the help of the internet, the city handlers can directly address their citizens too and understand what they require. Plus, they can keep a note on what is going on around the region, and ensure proper development.

Why is there a need for smart cities?

More than 68 percent of the people today live in urban areas, and it will keep growing with time. Alongside this, the population is growing too, and many people are focusing on area development or displacing cities.

In fact, estimates show that within the next thirty years, at least 2.5 billion more people would start living in cities. Owing to this, it is important to improve the economic, social, and environmental conditions with a bigger expansion.

In this concern, the need for IoT smart cities is visible, and many developers and individuals focus on it.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda was brought forward at the United Nation in the concern of growing urbanization. 193 countries agreed to it but the development planning and the pace of it were relatively slower than planned.

Not only does an IoT smart city help with improving the quality of life, but also expands on pre-existing features. One of the most important concepts in this concern is the main connective control system that works on Cloud.

Components of smart city

With a growing population all over the world, the consequences are seen in the ecosystems. In this concern, an IoT Smart City is a good choice as it consumes lesser resources and is also eco-friendly. There are certain components to this, and they are:-


The CyAM or City Air Management Tool is a software suite that is cloud-based, developed by Siemens. The algorithm of this works with a neural network (artificial), and that makes the weather predictions.

This includes a dashboard, on which you would receive the information regarding how the air-quality is and the pollution level.

When wondering What Technology Do Smart Cities Use, this one is highly helpful and it provides 90 percent accurate real-time forecasts.

Smart infrastructure

Investing in self-propelled cars and electric vehicles would cut down on the CO2 levels. That is what the Smart City Applications focus on, and the consumers should abide by.

Plus, a great part about the infrastructure of the smart cities is that it uses advanced technologies. These, in turn, try to be energy-efficient and eco-friendly. That’s where IoT Open Source Frameworks can come really handy.

Another great concern about the IoT Smart Cities is that they try to continuously improve and change themselves. There is a higher need of using digital technology to make buildings in urban areas more sustainable and energy-efficient.

Smart parking

Another of the good Smart City Examples in regard to the components is the smart parking factor. Using the sensors on the road, the drivers receive a report on their phone about the nearest parking space.

This component is not expensive either, which makes it ideal for smart cities of various locales and sizes. Someone driving would get feedback too from other people in the lane, and make easier parking decisions.

Traffic management

One of the most important components of an IoT Smart City is the traffic management conditions. This is not easy in bigger cities as traffic congestion is more likely to occur on the roads.

But in a smart city, the traffic management feature includes sensors on the pavement that would send you real-time alerts.

Not to mention, these smart sensors would predict the traffic patterns too, depending on past traffic conditions.

Waste management

Another good and useful feature of an IoT Smart City is the efficiency it uses in waste management too. It can reduce operational costs, and one way this is possible is because the waste collectors receive alerts of full bins.

Therefore, when there is a half-empty container, waste collectors do not have to get down and collect them. They would do so when they receive the notification that the waste bin, otherwise they drive by.

This is very good for saving fuel as well. The main reason that this works is because of the sensors that are present on the smart bins.

How to secure smart cities

It is true that smart road systems, monitoring systems, GPS-tracking systems, connected cameras, etc., improve one’s lifestyle.

However, with so much personal information syncing to the cloud, it leaves you vulnerable to data theft, hacking, etc. You need to be aware of the IoT security challenges.

Thus, it is crucial to safeguard the smart cities’ Internet of Things, and there are many ways to do so. Overall, there are four phases to focus on- integrity, availability, accountability, and confidentiality.

  • Integrity. An IoT smart city relies on data, and it is important that it is correct and reliable information. While focusing on security, that is one matter to consider and ensure that the data is not changed.
  • Availability. While the data is important to protect, it is also necessary to ensure that you can access it when needed. For an IoT smart city to work it is supposed to, one should focus on the collection and sharing process.
  • Accountability- While the system software should ensure safety and security, it is also the users’ responsibility to stay vigilant. Thus, they should themselves make sure not to let others use their login ID and other such user-specific points.
  • Confidentiality- A lot of the data that is shared comes from the users’ phones. And these devices contain a lot of private details, like sensitive personal messages, financial details, etc. When using the smart city examples, you should make sure that no third-party can breach it.

The future of IoT & smart cities

It is true that IoT Smart Cities are the next big thing for humankind and the applications of it would only keep growing.

There are many regions and sectors that would see the changes and profitable effects in the future. Plus, with more cities understanding and accepting the uses of such advancement, the possibilities would keep expanding.

Currently, smart cities work with a variety of networks and they fit with each other evenly and effectively. And the LPWAN technologies are very useful in the concern of maximum Smart City Applications.

While these work well now, advancement into 5G connectivity in the future would only improve the features and connectivity. It would also push the concept into more mainstream regions, thereby getting customer attention.


Indeed, with its many features like advanced and intelligent traffic calculation, weather reports, etc., IoT Smart Cities are greatly helpful.

With the changing dynamics in the world and the higher urbanization speed, it is difficult to keep natural matters healthy. Not to mention, most of the items and buildings in cities are costly to build and emit a lot of harmful wastes.

Comparatively, it is an environmentally friendly and effective city planning option.

With the help of technology, both the citizens and the administrators can maintain good and mutually connected behavior. With time, the dependence on and the need for smart cities would increase, and rightfully so.

Harikrishna Kundariya is Director and Founder at eSparkBiz.

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