The Capcom Online Program for Tokyo Game Show 2023 will air on September 21, showcasing updates on upcoming new titles

TOKYO, Sept. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — This year’s Tokyo Game Show 2023 will be held from September 21 to September 24.

Capcom will present its latest game information through an online program on September 21st as a part of Tokyo Game Show online programming. Additionally, in commemoration of this year’s TGS 2023, many of Capcom’s popular titles are now on sale for a limited time.

The Capcom Online Program for Tokyo Game Show 2023

Prepare for tons of updates on new CAPCOM titles

The TGS 2023 Capcom Online Program will premiere at 2:00 PM (UTC) on Thursday, September 21st on Capcom and Tokyo Game Show’s various official streaming channels worldwide. The pre-recorded stream plans to feature exciting new information from Capcom’s latest games, including updates and gameplay footage from Dragon’s Dogma 2, presented by Director Hideaki Itsuno. Additionally, fans can expect to see plenty of new updates for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, the recently released Street Fighter 6, Resident Evil 4 and Exoprimal. Tune in and don’t miss out on this program. Visit the official Capcom TGS website for more information.

Official CAPCOM TGS 2023 Live Broadcast site:

Capcom’s TGS 2023 Sale now ongoing for a limited time

In commemoration of Tokyo Game Show 2023, the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 4 Remake (34% OFF) and Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection (34% OFF) are now on sale for the first time ever. Other popular Capcom titles such as Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (40% OFF), Dragon’s Dogma (84% OFF) and many others are also discounted for a limited time through Steam and other platforms. Don’t miss this opportunity to pick up a few of Capcom’s most influential hits during Capcom’s TGS 2023 Sale.

Note: Sale offers and details may vary across platforms and regions, please refer to the respective digital store pages for details.

Steam Store TGS Sale page: