The New Community Will Further Boost Exchanges between Taiwan’s and Japan’s ESG Opinion Leaders
TAIPEI, Dec. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have started moving from the stage of developing sustainable strategies to implementing ESG operations. With the support of public sector’s brand Startup Island TAIWAN, SUNRISEMEDIUM, a Taiwan-based digital media company, has launched the Asia-Pacific Innovation Community. The first phase of the community calls for in-depth dialogues between Taiwanese and Japanese innovation teams to explore sustainable practices from 2023 to 2030 in three major areas: technology, management, and leadership.
Outcomes of the first phase of the Asia-Pacific Innovation Community include the first digital-version text salon, combined with the world’s only sound map focusing on stories about innovative technologies: more than 30 Taiwanese and Japanese key influencers participated in the salon discussion. In addition, the salon discussion extended 14 sound journeys which connected ESG innovation strongholds among Taiwan’s and Japan’s cities.
Sound map: Text salon on environmental topics:
SUNRISEMEDIUM is redefining the role of digital media as a technology initiative and resource connector. Moreover, SUNRISEMEDIUM will continue to inspire further mutually beneficial exchanges by doing cross-industrial connection.
ANGHSUAN LEE, [email protected]